Most Fit U.S. Cities

Arlington, VA came in on top in this year’s ranking of the most physically fit U.S. cities by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), which determined that Arlington had the lowest smoking rate among the largest cities and the best reports of good or excellent health.
Also in the top 10: Minneapolis, MN; Madison, WI; Portland, OR; Seattle; Denver; St. Paul, MN; San Jose, CA; and Boise, ID. Arlington edged out Minneapolis, MN by only half a point, and beat Washington, D.C., just across the Potomac River by 3.7 points. The lowest ranked cities on the list were Oklahoma City, OK; Indianapolis, IN; Louisville, KY; Detroit, MI; and Toledo, OH.
The ACSM fitness index assesses 33 measures of health behaviors, diseases and community infrastructure to determine the most fit city. It reported that more than three-quarters of adults in all 100 cities were physically active in the month before the survey, although only half of them met aerobic activity guidelines and merely 22 percent met both strength and aerobic guidelines. In terms of diet, the ACSM found that only 30 percent of adults responding reported eating at least two servings of fruit daily and only 18 percent said they eat three or more servings of vegetables per day.
Also in this week’s bulletin: