Specially Trained Dogs Might Help Reduce Seizures
Seizure dogs are trained to detect seizures and perform specific tasks during and after an…
1 min
Could Exercise Protect Against Nerve Damage?
Some types of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, often lead to lasting nerve damage…
30 seconds
High Fat, High Anxiety?
Research from the University of Colorado Boulder suggests that turning to fatty foods may…
30 seconds
Loneliness Can Impact Health & Well-being
Research at Penn State explored the impact of loneliness on daily health, building on the…
30 seconds
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Eating Small Fish Linked To Lower Risk Of Death
A study conducted by researchers at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan…
30 seconds
Vitamin B3 Might Improve Peripheral Artery Disease
A common B vitamin might make walking easier for people with a chronic arterial condition,…
30 seconds
Beetroot Juice Benefits Blood Vessel Function
Postmenopausal women are at increased risk for cardiovascular problems, due in part to…
30 seconds
Intermittent Fasting May Benefit Gut Health & Weight
Researchers from Arizona State University and elsewhere have found more evidence to support…
30 seconds
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