Acupuncture for Children

Added Benefits From Measles Vaccine?
Can you tell me what the term “immune amnesia” means? I’ve heard that…

ADHD Without Drugs?
My nephew, age 8, was just diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),…

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Allergic Already?
My ten-month old grandson has been diagnosed with allergies. I hate to see him start on…

An Autism Cure?
What do you think of chelation therapy as a treatment for autism? I understand it removes…

Antacids for Babies?
Is there any risk to putting a four-week-old baby boy on an antacid? The doctor wants to…

Are Amber Teething Necklaces Worthwhile?
What can you tell me about amber teething necklaces for babies? Are the health claims…

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