Take Your Dog To Work

If you enjoyed the 20th annual “Take Your Dog to Work Day” last Friday (June 22), you’ll be glad to hear that employers are taking note. Originally intended as a tribute to man’s best friend and to encourage adoptions from shelters and rescue groups, in some instances “Take Your Dog to Work Day” has grown into “Take Your Pet to Work Week.” In addition, a growing number of companies including Google, Amazon and Etsy now allow employees to bring their dogs to work on a daily basis. The American Heart Association has noted a compelling argument for year-round pet-friendly policies. This includes lower absentee rates and higher morale among employees, presumably because people who bring their dogs to work generally feel less stress, both on the job and in regard to what their dogs might be up to when they’re home alone. What’s more, a recent pet food company survey found that more than half of millennial pet owners would consider changing jobs in order to work for a pet-friendly company. The survey also showed that nearly four in 10 pet owners would sacrifice vacation time and other benefits if their present workplace would become pet friendly. If you want to enjoy the benefits of “Take Your Dog to Work Day” in the future, mark your calendar: it’s traditionally the first Friday after Father’s Day.
Anne M. Foreman et al, “Dogs in the Workplace: A Review of the Benefits and Potential Challenges.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.” May 8, 2017, doi: 10.3390/ijerph14050498
Also in this week’s bulletin:
Reducing Pain From Knee Arthritis
Lower Blood Pressure In Two Weeks
Recipe: Spa In A Pitcher