An Interview with Lynne Bundesen

Is everyone spiritual?
We all have access to Spirit. Spirit is universal and impartial and works with us to become our companion, friend and spacious home. One wonderful thing about Spirit is that it speaks to us and affirms our best, whole identity.
How can one find his or her path to spiritual growth?
The more we learn about Spirit the more spiritual we feel. As Spirit is not material we don’t learn much about Spirit through the five physical senses. We learn about spirit through our spiritual senses which we try to develop and have trust in to bring us good and healing if needed. Like produces like. As we view ourselves through the lens of Spirit we see more of our spirituality. And, spirituality means we are never alone.
Cyberspace is a non material place and we are learning and can learn so much about our spirituality from this new realm of thought. Cyberspace allows us to glimpse some of the realities of Spirit – instant communication, just the right information for us at our beck and call, unexpected glimpses of the boundless, non physical nature of infinite geography, companionship.
What benefits can spiritual growth impart to a person?
Spirit is the breath of Life itself. We are surrounded and encompassed by Spirit and there is nothing more glorious to our soul than to see the mist part and catch a glimpse of the glory and comfort of Spirit. While we work at developing our spiritual senses through honesty, trustworthiness, compassion and loving our neighbor we can relax in the sure sense that Spirit claims us as loved and loving.