4 Tips For A Naturally Clean Home

Looking for a cost-effective, safe way to keep your home clean, naturally? Ditch the overpriced, artificially scented cleaners and try these four common household items:
- Olive oil: Use it to lubricate and polish wood furniture. Simply mix three parts olive oil to one part vinegar, or two parts olive oil to one part lemon juice to add a refreshing and clean aroma.
- Potatoes: Halved potatoes can remove rust from baking pans or tinware – dip the potato in salt before scrubbing or follow with a salt scrub.
- White vinegar: There are plenty of uses for this household mainstay: It cleans linoleum floors and glass (from windows and mirrors to shower doors) when mixed with water and a little liquid soap (castile or vegetable); cuts grease, removes stains and soap scum, and cleans toilets – you may add a bit of baking soda if you like. It can also be used as an antibacterial and deodorizer – pour undiluted vinegar down drains once a week, or add to water in a spray bottle to kill mold and mildew.
- Bonus Product: Tea tree oil. A useful alternative to chemical products, add 50 drops of this essential oil (found at health food stores) to a bucket of water to clean countertops and tile floors, and add it directly to vinegar/water solutions for its antibacterial properties, which are useful for killing mold and mildew in kitchens and bathrooms.
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