How Coffee Really Affects You

The study, from the University of Toronto, found that simply being exposed to reminders of coffee can influence your response to it. The researchers set out to learn whether images of coffee would induce a state of arousal -that is, becoming alert, awake and attentive, effects we commonly associate with actually drinking coffee. In a press release they explained that arousal can also be triggered by emotions, which influence neurotransmitters in the brain. The team explored the effects related to viewing coffee-themed images in four studies involving participants from western and eastern cultures. Results showed that participants exposed to coffee-related cues perceived the elapsed time as shorter and thought in more concrete, precise terms.
The investigators reported that the impact of the cues wasn’t as pronounced among participants who grew up in eastern cultures where the association between coffee and arousal isn’t as strong as it is in the west. Next, they plan to look at associations that people have for other foods and beverages, possibly including energy drinks or red wine.
Eugene Y. Chan and Sam J. Maglio. “Coffee cues elevate arousal and reduce level of construal.” Consciousness and Cognition, April 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2019.02.007
Also in this week’s bulletin:
- Becoming Happier & Less Anxious
- Yoga At Work Can Ease Stress
- Recipe: True Food Kitchen’s Good Earth Kale Cobb