Arizona Integrative Health Center

Arizona Integrative Health Center to open doors to new patients in Phoenix Oct. 22, 2012
PHOENIX, Ariz., Oct. 18 – Those looking for an integrative approach to health care have a new option in Phoenix, with the Arizona Integrative Health Center officially accepting new patients beginning Monday, Oct. 22.
The Arizona Integrative Health Center will use an integrative primary care model developed at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, in affiliation with District Medical Group (DMG) and the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.
“Our Center’s foundation is built upon world-class education, research and exceptional clinical care, and the Arizona Integrative Health Care opening is giving us the opportunity to extend our work and bring all three elements into practice on home ground,” says Andrew Weil, MD, AzCIM founder and director, UA professor of medicine and public health and Jones-Lovell Professor of Integrative Rheumatology.
“We’re bringing the very best of care to residents of the Phoenix area, while simultaneously conducting a study on the comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of integrative treatment versus conventional care. We believe our findings will help change priorities of reimbursement and ultimately affect how health care is delivered on a national level,” says Dr. Weil.
The Arizona Integrative Health Center will be open for integrative primary care by subscription. All patients will receive the highest level of care, including preventive and lifestyle medicine, for treatment of new and existing health conditions. Patients will form a partnership with their primary care providers, who are graduates of the AzCIM Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, and be able to take advantage of a variety of additional treatments.
After first seeing a physician, depending on current health, lifestyle factors, family history and long-term wellness goals, patients will be referred to an acupuncturist, chiropractor, mind-body specialist, nutritionist or health coach, as needed. All patients are invited to attend lectures on special interest topics as well.
“Patients who come to our clinic who are experiencing truly integrative medicine for the first time will be pleased and surprised by how thorough and involved their level of care is,” says Arizona Integrative Health Center Medical Director Heidi Rula, MD. “We’ve assembled a great team of capable, caring and talented health professionals to really partner with our patients and ensure that each and every one takes advantage of all possible preventive and healing opportunities for great health.”
“I am personally excited about this project and joint venture,” says DMG Chief Executive Officer Kote Chundu, MD. “We place a very high value on our relationship with the University of Arizona and the College of Medicine – Phoenix, and we look forward to transforming primary care.”
The Arizona Integrative Health Center is on the seventh floor of the Phoenix Corporate Center at 3033 N. Central Ave., near a light rail station on Central Ave., and within walking distance of Park Central Mall and St. Joseph’s Hospital. For more information about the Arizona Integrative Health Center or to make an appointment, please visit, email [email protected] or call 602-470- 5577.
Media contact:
Genevieve H. Gutierrez
[email protected]
About the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) is leading the transformation of health care by creating, educating and actively supporting a community that embodies the philosophy and practice of healing-oriented medicine, addressing mind, body and spirit. AzCIM defines integrative medicine as healing-oriented medicine that considers the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapies. Since its inception, the AzCIM has focused its efforts on three areas: education, clinical care and research, with the primary emphasis on education. AzCIM was built on the premise that the best way to change a field is to educate the most gifted professionals and place them in settings where they can teach others. To learn more about the AzCIM, please visit
About District Medical Group
District Medical Group (DMG) is a non-profit faculty practice plan owned and operated by physicians consisting of more than 350 providers who represent all the major medical and surgical specialties and subspecialties. DMG is the academic faculty practice plan for the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. Professional clinical services encompass all physician and mid-level providers (physician assistants, nurse practitioners, certified nurse anesthetists, midwives, psychologists and mental health counselors) staffing a 333-bed acute care hospital, a 190-bed psychiatric hospital, 11 regional Federally Qualified Health Centers Look-Alikes and other specialty services. DMG’s mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals in Arizona based on a balanced program of patient care, education, research and community service. For more information about DMG, please visit