Stair Climbing Or Caffeine For Energy

Rather than walking to the nearest coffee or soda machine when you feel the need for a second wind at work, you might try spending 10 minutes walking the stairs. Researchers at the University of Georgia found that this strategy proved more effective than a 50 mg jolt of caffeine (about what you would get in a can of cola). The investigators wanted to know what would best invigorate office workers who spend much of the day sitting and staring at computer screens. They recruited 18 female sleep-deprived college students and gave them capsules containing either caffeine or a placebo to take at work. On a separate day the researchers asked the women to walk up and down stairs for 10 minutes at a low intensity pace. Afterward, the participants reported that they didn’t feel much different on the days they took the caffeine capsules (or the placebo) but said they did get an energy boost from walking the stairs. Study co-author Patrick J. O’Connor, a professor of kinesiology, said that more research is needed on the benefits of performing brief physical activity such as walking on the stairs, especially for just 10 minutes. However, based on the study’s findings, he noted that stair climbing appears to provide a noticeable energy boost and has the advantage of requiring less time and preparation than other types of exercise.Â
Derek D. Randolph and Patrick J. O’Connor, “Stair walking is more energizing than low dose caffeine in sleep deprived young women.” Physiology & Behavior, March 14, 2017,
Also in this week’s bulletin:
If you are tired of too many prescriptions – and have had enough of taking medications for ailments that may not require them – then my new book may be for you: Mind Over Meds looks at the problem of overmedication, the science that shows drugs aren’t always the best option, as well as helpful, reliable integrative medicine approaches.
Interested in expanding your knowledge on the latest in nutrition, healthful living and integrative medicine from internationally recognized experts including Andrew Weil, M.D., Donald Abrams, M.D., Victoria Maizes, M.D., Clint Woods, and more? Learn more about the 14th annual Nutrition Conference, Nutrition & Health: State of the Science and Clinical Applications, held May 1-3, 2017, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.