Fish Oil May Benefit Some People With Alzheimer’s Disease

Could fish oil supplements help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease? Results of a recent clinical trial suggest that the answer could be “yes” — but only for some patients. Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University looked at the effects of supplemental fish oil in 102 participants aged 75 or older, all of whom had high levels of white matter lesions but no dementia.
They found that fish oil supplements may benefit older adults with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease, specifically those carrying the APOE4 gene. While the study did not show significant benefits for all older adults, it did reveal that APOE4 carriers experienced a notable reduction in the breakdown of nerve cells in the brain after taking fish oil for one year. The researchers suggest that fish oil may be beneficial for APOE4 carriers but don’t recommend it as a general preventative measure for dementia. The findings highlight the need for further research in more diverse populations.
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