Eczema Prevention Might Start In The Gut

Eczema might be more than skin deep, according to researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. They tracked the health, lifestyle, and pregnancy-related events of near-term pregnant women and then monitored the health, diets, and medications given to their 112 babies after they were born. They also analyzed the children’s gut microbiomes through stool samples collected at nine different time points up to age 3.
The researchers found that changes in gut microbiota occurred before eczema symptoms appeared in infants. These changes appeared to be linked to the use of antibiotics, as well as how babies were delivered and fed. Similar patterns were observed in babies born via C-section, suggesting a potential link between gut microbiota, C-section delivery, and eczema risk. Further research might help identify a role for modifying gut bacteria in the prevention or treatment of eczema, say the investigators.
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