Cooking With Grains: Kamut

KAMUT® is a brand name for an ancient, recently revived strain of wheat known as khorasan wheat. KAMUT® is always grown organically. Incorrectly thought to hail from Egypt (hence the nickname “King Tut’s Wheat”), where it was rediscovered in 1949, khorasan’s true origins are unknown; some legends even hold it to be the “Prophet’s Wheat,” the grain Noah brought with him on the ark.
KAMUT’s large kernels – about twice the size of standard wheat kernels – have a sweet, almost buttery flavor that is delicious in pilafs, soups and salads. Behind its rich taste lies a wealth of nutrition: KAMUT®, also known as “high energy wheat” due to its relatively rich fatty acid profile, is high in key minerals such as selenium (known to be an immune-supporting, cancer-preventive antioxidant), zinc, manganese and magnesium. It also has 20 to 40 percent more protein than regular wheat, one half-cup serving supplying six grams of protein for only 140 calories.
KAMUT® brand khorasan is a variety of wheat and, though sometimes tolerated better than common wheat by those with slight wheat sensitivities or allergies, is definitely unsuitable for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
Cooking time: 60 minutes
Liquid per cup of grain: 3 cups
How to cook KAMUT: Combine with water in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about an hour, until grains are tender.