Where To Find Happiness

Fremont, California ranked as the happiest city in the United States in the latest rating of the 182 largest cities in the country. The ranking is based on 28 key indicators of happiness ranging from rates of depression, income-growth and average leisure time per day. Fremont also had the lowest divorce rate (Detroit had the highest.) Bismarck, North Dakota ranked number two on the happiness index followed by San Jose, California. Detroit came in last, just below Birmingham, Alabama, and Huntington, West Virginia.
Cities with the lowest rates of depression included El Paso, Texas, New York City, and Jersey City, New Jersey. Salem, Oregon, had the highest rate of depression followed by Chattanooga, Tennessee and Huntington, West Virginia. Bismarck, North Dakota and Washington, DC had the highest income growth rate. South Dakota topped the list of states with the best well being followed by Vermont and Hawaii.
As for the happiest countries – Finland won the top spot this year, edging out last year’s winner Norway, which was ranked number at two. Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland rounded out the top five. The United States came in 19th and the United Kingdom 18th. Factors that determined the happiness ranking included economic strength, social support, life expectancy, and freedom of choice, generosity and perceived corruption.
Gallup-Share Care, “State of American Well-being.” February 2018, well-beingindex.com/hubfs/Gallup-Sharecare%20State%20of%20American%20Well-Being_2017-State-Rankings_FINAL.pdf?t=1518473023878
Global Happiness Council, “Global Happiness Policy Report 2018.” s3.amazonaws.com/ghc-2018/GlobalHappinessPolicyReport2018.pdf
WalletHub, “Happiest Cities in the U.S.” March 12, 2018, wallethub.com/edu/happiest-places-to-live/32619/
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